Good product photos are essential to selling products through your own shop. When ordering online, the customer can at most be conveyed the appearance of a product as all other senses of the shop visitor cannot be used.
The nice thing is: it doesn’t cost a lot of resources to use significantly better images than the competition. Most shop operators such as Highland Cabinetry use manufacturer images.
What should be visible in the cabinet product photos?
It is very important that all relevant perspectives of the product are shown. For some things, the front or the cover is enough; for example DVDs or books. For other products, more photos are necessary to convince the customer of the quality.
Show the product in use
This also compensates for the “missing experience” of the direct examination. How big does the cabinet actually look in the kitchen? Does the evening dress really fall to the knee as beautifully as described? Have a human demonstrate the product.
Let your models discover the product naturally. This often results in surprising shots that are fun and can also be used as advertising material.
Present the product in a relevant environment
So it’s best where the customer will use it: the cabinet in the dining room or kitchen, the shorts on the man, and the laptop on the desk.
Show the dimensions of the product
Both points 1 and 2 also help to represent the product in dimension to other, known objects. Does the cabinet fit in your bedroom or living room or just in the kitchen?
Show the important details
It is best to show important details such as decorations or subtleties of processing in a close-up. This can be the processing of seams, locks, borders, and others.
The right environment for product photography
When building a set, pay special attention to the background. It should stand out clearly from the product in order to present the product in the best possible light with great contrast to the background.
Simple, neutral, bright, and solid colors work best. It is important that the product is clearly recognizable against the chosen background.
A white background is of course not a must. Light wood or a simple pattern is also possible. The latter can also go well with your branding strategy, for example, if you always use the same or a similar one, thereby increasing your recognition effect. The key is that the color of the background is harmonious with your product.